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Gender Pay Gap Data For Snapshot Date 5 April 2023




Our Gender pay gap data for snapshot date of 5th April 2023 is below:





Percentage or men and women in each hourly paid quartile



Upper Quartile 86.8% Male and 13.2% Female



Upper Middle Quartile 89.7% Male and 10.3% Female



Lower Middle Quartile 94.1% Male and 5.9% Female



Lower Quartile 64.7% Male and 35.3% Female





Mean and Median Gender Pay Gap in Hourly Pay



Mean female hourly rate of pay is 4.0% less than mean male hourly pay.



The median hourly pay for females is 9.4% lower than males.





Percentage of Men and Women who Received Bonus Pay



11.4% of females and 44.3% of men received bonus pay.





Mean and Median Gender Pay Gap Using Bonus Pay



The mean bonus for females is 171.4% higher than male employees. The median bonus for females is 45.0% higher than male employees.






Prepared by Debbie Winter – Company Secretary/Accountant




Gender Pay Gap Data For Snapshot Date 5 April 2022


Our Gender pay gap data for snapshot date of 5th April 2022 is below:




Percentage or men and women in each hourly paid quartile


Upper Quartile                                 90.5% Male and 9.5% Female


Upper Middle Quartile                   90.5% Male and 9.5% Female


Lower Middle Quartile                   90.5% Male and 9.5% Female


Lower Quartile                                 68.3% Male and 31.7% Female




Mean and Median Gender Pay Gap in Hourly Pay


Mean female hourly rate of pay is 5.7% less than mean male hourly pay.


The median hourly pay for females is 8.3% lower than males.




Percentage of Men and Women who Received Bonus Pay


21.1% of females and 45.3% of men received bonus pay.




Mean and Median Gender Pay Gap Using Bonus Pay


The mean bonus for females is 92.4% higher than male employees. The median bonus for females is 53.8% higher than male employees.



Prepared by Debbie Winter – Company Secretary/Accountant

Gender Pay Gap Data For Snapshot Date 5 April 2021



Our Gender pay gap data for snapshot date of 5th April 2021 is below:




Percentage or men and women in each hourly paid quartile


Upper Quartile                                 93% Male and 7% Female


Upper Middle Quartile                   91% Male and 9% Female


Lower Middle Quartile                   93% Male and 7% Female


Lower Quartile                                 69% Male and 31% Female




Mean and Median Gender Pay Gap in Hourly Pay


Mean female hourly rate of pay is 5.4% less than mean male hourly pay.


The median hourly pay for females is 12.7% lower than males.




Percentage of Men and Women who Received Bonus Pay


16.2% of females and 64.3% of men received bonus pay.




Mean and Median Gender Pay Gap Using Bonus Pay


The mean bonus for females is 96.3% higher than male employees. The median bonus for females is 51.9% higher than male employees.




Prepared by Debbie Winter – Company Secretary/Accountant

Gender Pay Gap Data For Snapshot Date 5 April 2020


Our Gender pay gap data for snapshot date of 5th April 2020 is below:




Percentage or men and women in each hourly paid quartile


Upper Quartile 93% Male and 7% Female


Upper Middle Quartile 96% Male and 4% Female


Lower Middle Quartile 92% Male and 8% Female


Lower Quartile 66% Male and 34% Female



Mean and Median Gender Pay Gap in Hourly Pay


Mean female hourly rate of pay is 8.1% less than mean male hourly pay.

The median hourly pay for females is 15.3% lower than males.



Percentage of Men and Women who Received Bonus Pay


11.9% of females and 43.5% of men received bonus pay.



Mean and Median Gender Pay Gap Using Bonus Pay


The mean bonus for females is 70.3% higher than male employees. Male

employee median bonus is 28.9% higher than female employees’ median bonus.






Prepared by Debbie Winter – Company Secretary/Accountant

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